Dr. Maurizio De Francesco
Graduated with full marks at the University of Padua in 2006 in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis. Already graduated from the Professional Institute of Dental Technicians with 60/60. Since 2009 he is a lecturer at the University of Padua, from 2010 to 2015 he is Tutor and Scientific Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Prosthetics at the University of Padua. Speaker and co-supervisor of various theses in prosthetic and pedodontic field. Since 2009 he is Sedationist Dentist.Socio SIdP. Member of AIOP and active member of DI & ra (Digital Implantology and restorer academy). Author of several national and international scientific publications. Since 2014 he is Contract Professor and owner of the Integrated Prosthetic Laboratory Techniques course at the University of Padua. Speaker from 2013 in National and International Congresses. Founder of the ICc study club (Italian Continuing-education club). He works as a freelance at his own studio in Giuggianello (LE) with particular attention to prosthesis and CAD-CAM technologies and as a surgery and prosthesis consultant in various studies
Titlul prezentarii: Problem solving in modern implantology: from the state of the art to the use of digital workflows